Background Check

Tutor: Kevin
Requester: Please Log In to request

Benefit of a background check

A background check is an excellent way to build trust among users. It demonstrates a higher level of professionalism by establishing the credibility of a tutor. Credibility increases hirability. While edbee does not require tutors to complete a background check, we strongly encourage it and offer a badge to indicate tutors who succesfully complete one.

Requesting a background check

Edbee has partnerd with Checkr who performs the background checks. They search national and state criminal databases (some states vary) you may visit them to learn more about the Checkr background checks. The person requesting the background will pay for the background check fee. To make the request be sure that the tutor name above is the person you'd like the check for. From the time edbee processes the request, the tutor will have 7 days to complete and submit the background check application.

Completion of a background check

Background checks take time to process and finalize. A tutor may check on the status at any time by visiting Checkr. If a tutor passes a background check edbee will be notified and will display a badge on the tutor's profile indicating that this tutor has successfully completed a background check. Please review our background check policy on our terms of use for more information.